Offensive cuts

The purpose of this basketball tips tutorial is for you to learn how to move and create space without the ball, becoming a better asset to your teammates.
The key to an effective V-Cut is to draw your defender in one direction, typically inward toward the paint. This can be done by walking or running your defender to the location you want to go.
Walk your defender inward 3-4 steps.
Plant outside foot.
Explode in the opposite direction.
Show your hands and call for the ball.
Practice V-Cuts without a ball, or add options to shoot, dribble, or pass off of the V-cut action
The key to an effective L-Cut is to jab your defender into the paint to create deception. This can be done with an effective fake and jab step.
Walk your defender up the lane line 3-4 steps.
Jab & fake to one side.
Explode in the opposite direction.
Show your hands and call for the ball.
Practice L-Cuts without a ball, or add options to shoot, dribble, or pass off of the L-cut action.
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